
Hearts Desire Social Change Logo

Meaningful conversations about the things that matter most to people: their purpose, identity, and direction in life. How can we find meaning and mission in a restless world? How can we make wise decisions? How do we find the path that leads us to discover the deepest desires of our hearts and our aspirations to make the world a better place? This podcast is designed to help you examine these questions and to explore the terrains of self-awareness, self-development, and self-gift. Hosted by Fr. Dan Groody, Vice President and Associate Provost at the University of Notre Dame.

The podcast is sponsored by the Inspired Leadership Initiative at Notre Dame, to learn more visit ili.nd.edu.

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  • Pexels Sarwer E Kainat Welfare 3996734 1

    Episode 13 | 49:02

    Cry of the Poor & Justice

    What is justice? How can we respond to the needs of the world?

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    Episode 12 | 36:53

    Loneliness & Community

    How can we forge meaningful, life-giving relationships? How can we connect with our communities?

  • Episode 11 Photo

    Episode 11 | 42:56

    Fear & Flow

    How can we face our fears? How can we move into a place of flow?

  • Episode 10 Photo

    Episode 10 | 39:27

    Biography & Autobiography

    At the end of the day, are we living out someone else's story, or our own?

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    Episode 9 | 42:13

    Discernment & Decision Making

    How can we make wise decisions? How can we make decisions that improve our lives and the lives of others?

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    Episode 8 | 45:20

    Freedom & Conversion

    How can we find the life-giving path to freedom?

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    Episode 7 | 25:25

    Bonus: Fr. Richard Rohr (Part 2)

    Fr. Dan and Richard Rohr continue their conversation in the second half of our bonus interview. They explore substitutionary atonement theory, the links between contemplation and action, and the dangers of a gospel of perfection.

  • Episode 7 Photo

    Episode 7 | 44:27

    Gratitude & Grace

    What gifts have I been given? How can I live with joy?

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    Episode 7 | 39:08

    Bonus: Fr. Richard Rohr (Part 1)

    Fr. Dan interviews Richard Rohr, the renowned Franciscan priest, author, and spiritual teacher. In this first half of the interview, they discuss Richard's perspective on the true self, the shadow, and forgiveness.

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    Episode 6 | 45:13

    Heart's Desire & heart's desire

    What are my deepest desires? How can I forgive?

"The place that God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meets."

- Frederick Buechner