Integration 11 | Social Connection

Humans evolved to be social creatures and to live in tribes. No one can lead a flourishing life alone. Good relationships and experiencing social connections are some of the most necessary and important aspects of the good life. Even the simple act of talking to strangers on the street or in line boosts our mood and sense of belonging more than we expect.

Your Integration is to strengthen or forge or a new social connection each day this week. There are three key levels to social connection:

  • Intimate relationships: Partners that that you can trust and confide in emotionally
  • Social friends: Companions that you socialize with, support, and with whom you can forge quality connections
  • Communities: Collective networks or groups, such as parishes, sports teams, or book clubs, with common purpose or interests

Try to strengthen or connect with each of these types of relationships this week! You need healthy connections in all three areas for a good life.

As an extension, you can try out the vulnerability questions with a friend.


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Integration 1

Time and Phone Use Log

Integration 2

Solitude Practice

Integration 3

Signature Strengths

Integration 4

Clearness Committee

Integration 5

Forgiveness Exercise

Integration 6

Gratitude Letter

Integration 8

Life Path Conversations

Integration 9

StoryCorps Interview

Integration 10

Agere Contra

Integration 11 | Current

Social Connection

Integration 13


Integration 14

Writing Your Own Eulogy

Integration 15

Writing A Personal Creed

“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.”

— Dorothy Day