Integration 7 | Examen & Gratitude Journaling

Cultivating gratitude can be a powerful way to live happier lives. From the perspective of Christian faith, it is a response of love to the God who first loved us. One way to do this is through a traditional Catholic practice called the Examen. Popularized by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Examen helps us write down what we are grateful for at the end of a day.

Your Integration is to practice the Examen every night this week. Set aside a few minutes at the end of each day to follow the steps below. While there are many forms of the Examen to experiment with, the basic steps in the handout are an excellent place to start.


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Integration 1

Time and Phone Use Log

Integration 2

Solitude Practice

Integration 3

Signature Strengths

Integration 4

Clearness Committee

Integration 5

Forgiveness Exercise

Integration 6

Gratitude Letter

Integration 7 | Current

Examen & Gratitude Journaling

Integration 8

Life Path Conversations

Integration 9

StoryCorps Interview

Integration 10

Agere Contra

Integration 11

Social Connection

Integration 13


Integration 14

Writing Your Own Eulogy

Integration 15

Writing A Personal Creed

“Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.”

— Lin-Manuel Miranda