Integration 8 | Life Path Conversations

What should I do with my life? Many of us freeze up when we think about this question. Others engage in a constant state of worrying about it, but don’t try anything out to get new data.

We want to help you break out of these dysfunctional states. Your Integration this week is to engage in at least two life path conversations. First, complete the life paths exercise by creating and evaluating three different possible life paths. For the at least two non-default plans, find someone who is already living this life and have a conversation with them.


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Integration 1

Time and Phone Use Log

Integration 2

Solitude Practice

Integration 3

Signature Strengths

Integration 4

Clearness Committee

Integration 5

Forgiveness Exercise

Integration 6

Gratitude Letter

Integration 8 | Current

Life Path Conversations

Integration 9

StoryCorps Interview

Integration 10

Agere Contra

Integration 11

Social Connection

Integration 13


Integration 14

Writing Your Own Eulogy

Integration 15

Writing A Personal Creed

“Passion for your work is a little bit of discovery, followed by a lot of development, and then a life time of deepening.”

— Angela Duckworth